Operating the Slide rule

Viewing all or part of the slide rule

The following viewpoints also move the center-of-rotation to help you zoom in easily.

Moving the viewpoint

moving the viewpoint
  • position the mouse cursor over the top of the stator (not the braces)
  • press the Ctrl-key and keep it down
  • the mouse cursor changes to a cross with an M (for Move)
  • drag (with left mouse-button down) to move the viewpoint
  • release the Ctrl-key and left mouse button
  • Note: You are changing the Viewpoint NOT the Position of the slide rule in the VRML world.

    Changing the viewpoint

    changing the viewpoint Note: You are changing the Viewpoint NOT the Position of the slide rule in the VRML world.

    Moving the slide rule left or right

    You may, during a calculation, like to move the complete slide rule left or right to view another part of the scale. moving the slide rule left or right Note: You are changing the Position of the slide rule in the VRML world. The viewpoint remains the same.

    Moving the Slide

    moving the slide

    Moving the Cursor

    moving the slide

    Flipping the slide rule

    Note: You are changing the Position of the slide rule in the VRML world. The viewpoint remains the same.
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